Society, Trends and Schooling

ED 5210 Nature of School and Society

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Changing Teaching and Learning Philosophies
Week Two Topics:
Technology Integration
Technology Implementation
Technology as an Agent for Change

Reactions to reading material

Technology as a catalyst for change was the concurring them of the readings. Technology is not simply computers in a classroom but a complex facet that encompasses a vast array of issues, including:
Integrating computers and technologies into schools
Implementing technologies into learning and assessments
Professional development to enhance teacher keenness within the medium
The video presentation titled, Hula to high tech, was an incredible portrayal of a schools vision, and realization of embracing technology as an agent of change. The Honolulu elementary school implemented and integrated technology across differing levels and disciplines not only to develop technological skills but also to scaffold student learning. The school demonstrated the highest levels of LOTI integration. The result was overwhelming levels of student motivation. In addition, the technology was used to prepare students to be successful in a technology rich society by promoting technological skills, public speaking skills and problem solving skills, ultimately, facilitating the principles of life long learners.
The article using Technology to support education reform was quite insightful with its diagrams on school reform. Authentic, Challenging Tasks as the Core of Education Reform is one diagram that illustrates all the different angels that can be incorporated by such activities.
For example:
§ Student Exploration
§ Teacher as Facilitator
§ Performance-Based Assessment
§ Students Practice Advanced Skills
§ Collaborative Learning
§ Interactive Modes of Instruction
§ Encompass Multidisciplinary Curriculums
While, I agree that authentic tasks will help facilitate school reform we must not forget that reform occurs at three levels: The district, state and federal level, the school level, and the classroom level. Goals have to be clearly articulated and supported by the federal state and district levels as well as within the schools and classrooms. The culture of school and schooling as we know it must change.

Class Discussion and Activities
Through class discussion and group activities we took a closer look at educational philosophy and the impact of technology on schooling.
Rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct
System of principles for guidance in practical affairs
All schools and teachers have a set of beliefs in regards to education and learning that affects their practices. A teacher’s information literacy and learning philosophy are factors which may enhance or impede an individual’s willingness to implement integrated technologies if accessible.
Issues such as accessibility and the digital divide are very real and effect individuals, classrooms, schools and districts. Statistics show that the majority of America’s poorest families still do not have internet access in their home and that the digital divide is actually increasing. Schools and community technology centers (CTC) are ways to help bridge the digital divide. Bridging the divide will help socio-economic factors and facilitate better learning opportunities for all.
The philosophies that we considered more closely were: Behavioral Theories, Constructivist theories, Theory of multiple intelligences, as well as Differentiated Instruction and Emotional Intelligence. The fact is that our schools are diverse environments, each student and teacher is an individual one educational theory or practice is not suitable for all the different types of students and teachers. Educational theory and practices need to represent a good mixture of different ideologies. These ideologies need to be flexible, able to change just as society changes, and be adaptable when needed. This is one reason why the idea of school choice is appealing to me. There are reasons which sway me from school choice as well. Having the ability to send your child to a school that is geared towards their interest is a wonderful idea in theory. In practice however, I feel as though issues of equality might arise. Regardless, I have come to terms, you can’t make everyone happy but you can try.

Applications of course content to future teaching
Technology can be the subject of instruction or the tool. In my own teaching I plan to utilize as many of the valuable resources available from online professional development resources to electronic student and teacher portfolios. The resources are available and it is imperative that I use them to empower my students with the skills necessary to compete in this increasingly technologically rich society. As a nation we need to make a commitment to education at all levels. Every child needs to have the opportunity to use technology and to use it to support their learning. All levels, from the federal level to the individual classroom, need to plan, coordinate and support education via authentic technology incorporation.
In regards to my levels of Information literacy, I feel well prepared to the challenge ahead. I have been privileged, through my studies, and when thinking about teaching, I can’t imagine it without the use of technology. It only makes sense, from effective classroom management to positive student motivation.

Concluding Statement: Technology is not simply software and hardware components. When integrating technology into the classroom the technology becomes a valuable resource, a means for production, a student motivator and allows for individualized instruction. The Hawaii school summed it up best when the interviewee stated that they believed in the theory of Independent learning, whereas learning is the responsibility of the student and the teacher’s role is to monitor and guide. The students are the doers and learners.
Learning philosophies needs to change to incorporate technology in to teaching. Once this is achieved, school culture will change and student motivation will intrinsically follow.


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